The first  year Study Skills primer teaches general academic skills—from organization to memory techniques to analysis to how to work successfully with teachers. These basic skills are reinforced and practiced in each of our Primer courses.

"Primer" courses are recommended for 7th grade students who are transitioning into independent middle school work.  They can be appropriate for high achieving 6th grade students.  The Study Skills courses are helpful for students of all ages who need to build practical academic skills.

Study Skills 1 teaches typing.  Utilizing a third party, online typing system, students learn typing from the ground up.  The lessons and sequence are chosen from those available, progress is monitored, and grades are gathered into the grade book.  The goal is a 75 word per minute speed.

This course is recommended for 8th grade students, but is useful for any age student.  Beginning in 9th grade all other RAS courses will presume the ability to type.

Study Skills 2 ~ Computer Applications and Information Technology

This course teaches the use of the standard office software, including word processing, data processing, visual presentation programs (static and video), and search tools for classroom use. In addition, it provides an introduction to information technology covering hardware, software, networks, mobile tech, and social media, while highlighting important ethical and political questions surrounding their use.

This course provides a survey of an eclectic set of skills and knowledge arranged to prepare the students for the day of graduation. It includes basic life skills in the areas of personal finance, home economy, and job competence. It also considers a variety of post-graduation pathways, including college, technical school, gap years, employment, home development, and volunteering to help prompt conversations surrounding the next step in the student's life. Entrance test and scholarship pursuit strategies are covered, as well.

This course suite includes information, links, and helps for the CLT 8, the CLT 10, and the CLT.